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A Bit About Me

Xiomara Serrato, a resident of Tijuana, has transitioned from her previous profession as an engineer to pursue her true passion as an artist. Her artistic endeavors are characterized by her meticulous attention to detail, which is particularly evident in her oil paintings. Xiomara's work is a testament to her unwavering commitment to her, and her artistic talent is evident in every stroke.


Xiomara Serrato, residente de Tijuana, ha hecho la transición de su profesión anterior como ingeniera para seguir su verdadera pasión como artista. Sus esfuerzos artísticos se caracterizan por su meticulosa atención al detalle, lo que es particularmente evidente en sus pinturas al óleo. El trabajo de Xiomara es un testimonio del compromiso inquebrantable con su arte, y su talento artístico es evidente en cada trazo.

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